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May 06, 2024

Learning and Growing at GIIS KL: A Look Back at April

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the April edition of the GIIS KL newsletter! Despite being the first month of the academic year for KG and CBSE curriculum, April has been a resounding success. Our KG students have seamlessly transitioned into their new environment, and the CBSE curriculum has kicked off with exciting initiatives planned for the year ahead. The Cambridge section has also been a hive of activity.

As we enter the exciting 2024-2025 academic year for the CBSE curriculum, I'd like to direct you to our latest podcast. In it, I unveil some truly groundbreaking initiatives we have planned for our students, from mind-expanding student exchanges to cutting-edge AI labs that will propel them towards a future filled with opportunity.

Celebrating Diversity and Earth Day

April commenced with a joyous celebration of Hari Raya. Through a captivating assembly, students were fully immersed in the rich tapestry of Malaysian culture. They learned about traditional customs and the significance of forgiveness and togetherness that lies at the heart of this important holiday. Exposing our students to diverse cultural values is paramount in our mission to nurture well-rounded global citizens who embrace the richness of our world.

As Earth Day took center stage in April, GIIS KL seamlessly integrated its theme throughout all school activities. Students across all grade levels participated in a multitude of engaging initiatives. From the thought-provoking Digital Scrapbook Competition to the visually stunning Science-themed Fashion Show, and insightful Wildlife Protection presentations, our students demonstrated a deep understanding of environmental issues and a commitment to positive change. Even our youngest learners actively participated in school-wide energy conservation efforts, creating and distributing eco-friendly badges and bookmarks. Their enthusiasm serves as a powerful reminder that it's never too early to start making a difference in the world around us.

A Love for Learning Continues

We are thrilled to announce the brand new reading corner in the Kindergarten section, a space designed to ignite a lifelong love of learning in our young bookworms. Filled with colorful phonics books and thoughtfully designed to foster a love for reading, this dedicated space will soon be installed in all kindergarten classrooms.

The Cambridge section also had a vibrant month. Students participated in an enthralling performance for the 9th Annual Day, aptly themed "The Quest: Sodder's Global Odyssey." Their talents and confidence dazzled the audience of proud parents and teachers. Staying informed and prepared in today's digital world is crucial. Students actively participated in a valuable workshop on cyberbullying presented by the Rotary Club. April also provided an opportunity to celebrate the works of William Shakespeare, inspiring students with his boundless creativity and boldness. In another captivating Icon Assembly, students donned white lab coats and goggles, showcasing their knowledge of the life-saving contributions of Sir Alexander Fleming.

For more updates and a glimpse into the exciting world of GIIS KL, I encourage you to not only follow us on social media, but to also attend our upcoming school events. These events provide a fantastic opportunity to connect with the GIIS KL community, experience our vibrant school culture firsthand, and gain a deeper understanding of the exceptional educational journey we provide for our students. We look forward to seeing you at GIIS KL soon!


Dipti Joshna

Principal, GIIS KL


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